Pathogens We Detect

Plant Pathogen Detection and Microbiome Monitoring

Our in-house curated database consists of 45 bacterial, 431 fungal, and 56 eukaryotic (non-fungal) plant pathogens and 62 human and animal pathogens. This database is updated and improved as we collect more samples from hydroponic systems and root zones.

Healthy Hydroponics Pathogen Mini Targets

Do you need confirmation or a quick check on diseased plants? Pathogen Mini can accurately identify viruses, bacteria, fungi, and more. Take a look at what microbes we can detect by searching below.

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Healthy Hydroponics Pathogen+ Plant Pathogens

Have you tried testing and still can’t determine the problem? Pathogen+ scans all organisms in your sample for the most comprehensive list of potential disease-causing microbes in your system. Search to see what microbes we detect below.

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Healthy Hydroponics Pathogen+ Human & Animal Pathogens

We also pick up on microbes that cause human or animal diseases. Pathogen+ can also scan for human and animal pathogens in the sample, take a look below.

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